Find my crosswords on MyCrossword
- PDM: Penny-drop moment
- WP: Wordplay
- LOI: Last one in
- NHO: Not heard of
- DNF: Did not finish
2024.09.11 Wednesday
The Guardian Cryptic 29,485 by Philistine
Solved: Yes
Checks: 0
Co-op?: No
Dictionary used: No
Favourite clue: End of story after philosopher captured by rogue Roman general (4,6) MARK ANTONY
Notes: Some disagreement on fifteensquared over the correct parsing of 2d. NHO 17a, 25. 18 very hard. Very fun puzzle though, great defs!
2024.09.09 Monday
The Guardian Cryptic 29,483 by Vulcan
Solved: No (1 letter wrong)
Checks: 0
Co-op?: No
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: Block of prime importance, but not central (11) CORNERSTONE
Notes: It was a tough Monday, and I got all except a stupid error on 7d. I blame that I’m doing these in the wee small hours when feeding my baby!
2024.09.08 Sunday
The Guardian Quiptic 1,294 by Kite
Solved: Yes
Checks: 0
Co-op?: No
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: Contest has excellent finish (6) DEFEND
Notes: A Quiptic made rather tricky by some tricky definitions and words that were (for me) obscurities. Wordplay mostly straightforward. The “favourite” clue here is for the required knowledge of a kind of slang that is relatively rare in crosswords (originating in hip-hop culture). Crosswords are a very middle-class white hobby (in Britain, at least), and the expected knowledge is of things like chess, cricket, abbreviations for various diplomas and orders of chivalry, so seeing this kind of reference is a welcome change (I needed the dictionary to solve this one though!). NHO 2d. 4a is dubious as a clue as pad seems to be doing double duty.
2024.09.06 Friday
The Guardian Cryptic 29,481 by Pasquale
Solved: No (2 away)
Checks: 0
Co-op?: No
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: A duo… 18. Rome is transformed with introduction of a dictator? (7) EMPEROR and 21. 18? Peace truncated by one that’s sacked Gaul (8) CALIGULA
Notes: I failed to get (and did not like the definition of) 4a. Used a dictionary to check a couple of the NHOs. Not bad for a Friday though.
2024.09.02 Monday
The Guardian Cryptic 29,477 by Maskarade
Solved: No (3 away)
Checks: 1
Co-op?: No
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: Raving Jesuit and patron of lost causes (5,4) SAINT JUDE\
Notes: 27a was a strange and clunky construction which I didn’t get. 14d was genuinely ambiguous; two very similar and equally plausible solutions. I guessed wrong. Also didn’t get 13d, but no excuses there, just could not recall the term! Other than that a very enjoyable puzzle
2024.08.25 Sunday
The Guardian Quiptic 1,292 by Pasquale
Solved: Yes
Checks: 0
Co-op?: With my mother
Dictionary used: Yes, for 18a
Favourite clue: Notice servant making gradual escape (8) SEEPAGE
Notes: Had not heard of 18a. LOI 8d.
2024.08.22 Thursday
The Independent Cryptic Thursday 21st August 2024 by Amoeba
Solved: No (3 missing entries)
Checks: 0
Co-op?: A little input from wife
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: One wiped out from parenting, struggling with child (8) PREGNANT
Notes: Amoeba is a regular on MyCrossword but this is the first time I’ve seen him (?) set in a national commercial publication like the Independent. My favourite clue is one I noticed he had used before over a year ago, but it’s such a good clue I don’t blame him a bit. Brilliant cluing all round, with very strong surfaces. I am annoyed I didn’t get 3d, and also I’d NHO 8a and 17d.
2024.08.20 Tuesday
The Guardian Cryptic 29,465 by Dynamo
Solved: Yes
Checks: 0
Co-op?: No
Dictionary used: No
Favourite clue: Perhaps Freud regularly haggled for a reduction (9) SHRINKAGE
Notes: An easy Monday puzzle from a new setter on the Guardian’s roster. Nothing particularly standout, though this would make a great puzzle for a beginner.
2024.08.19 Monday
MyCrossword Cryptic 1923 by Shane
Solved: Yes
Checks: 0
Co-op?: No
Dictionary used: No
Favourite clue: ermm
Notes: A beginner setter who still needs to master the basics
MyCrossword Cryptic 1922 by Skirwingle
Solved: No (couldn’t get 26a)
Checks: 0
Co-op?: Yes, with wife
Dictionary used: No
Favourite clue: Hooter goes at end of US sporting event – great! (6) SUPERB
Notes: Couldn’t get 26a even though I have seen the word before and understood the WP! Good fun though, interesting grid symmetries.
2024.08.18 Sunday
The Guardian Quiptic 1,291 by Chandler
Solved: Yes
Checks: 0
Co-op?: No
Dictionary used: No
Favourite clue: North agonises about having hardly any money (2,1,10) ON A SHOESTRING
Notes: I found the charades/containers and double defs fairly challenging for a quiptic, but the hiddens and anagrams were quite generous.
2024.08.16 Friday
The Guardian Cryptic 29,463 by Jack
Solved: Yes
Checks: 0
Co-op?: One solution each contributed by my parents and wife (22d, 26a, 11a)
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: Supporter impedes talkshow hosts (8) PEDESTAL
Notes: In my opinion approachable for a Friday puzzle. Some fun clues and a range of difficulties. A Nina. Some quibbles with a couple of the clues.
2024.08.15 Thursday
MyCrossword Cryptic 1911 by Dave
Solved: Yes
Checks: 0
Co-op?: Yes, with wife
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: Molybdenum among others (5) METAL
Notes: Interesting grid with many short solutions. 30a LOI. A few good &lits
2024.08.13 Tuesday
MyCrossword Cryptic 1895 by Henri
Solved: Yes
Checks: 0
Co-op?: Yes, with wife
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: Researched globe, possibly to get qualification (9,6) BACHELORS DEGREE
Notes: Interesting grid with many long solutions. 7d LOI
The Guardian Cryptic 29,460 by Paul
Solved: Not even close
Checks: 0
Co-op?: No
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: Carthaginian related to wordplay? (5) PUNIC
Notes: As usual with Paul, very tricky but some lovely constructions
2024.08.12 Monday
The Guardian Cryptic 29,459 by Vulcan
Solved: No (1 reveal)
Checks: 0
Co-op?: Yes, with wife
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: Children’s game lost by the witless (7) MARBLES
Notes: Mostly fine but 10a or 15a NHO (the latter was doable from the WP)
2024.08.11 Sunday
The Guardian Quiptic 1,290 by Picaroon
Solved: Yes
Checks: 1
Co-op?: Minor input from wife
Dictionary used: No
Favourite clue: City with famous tower — Paris strangely not right (4) PISA
Notes: Ideal difficulty for a quiptic
One woman returns by The Void
Solved: No (1 reveal)
Checks: 0
Co-op?: Yes, with wife
Dictionary used: Yes
Favourite clue: Shit! Long time in prison (7) DUNGEON
Notes: Revealed 16a. 11a NHO